Microsoft Research, India

Research Intern
August 2020-November 2020

Worked on analyzing political discourse on social media across various parties and states in India Firstly studied the social media responses on the death of a movie star, our work recieved wide media coverage. Secondly we summarized the key trends with Twitter use among politicians in India State wise.

Google Summer of Code

Student Developer
May 2020-August 2020

Worked on image and audio clustering in the redhenlab organization under google summer of code.
Read more at:GSOC_2020

IIIT-Delhi, India

Research Intern
June 2019-October 2019

The project aims to determine the collusive behaviour in a social networking site. Worked on the data mining techniques to extract the data from the web, managed features,analyzed and visualized the data.Applied different machine learning and deep learning models. Used natural language processing and time series analysis